& then there were two...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The stockings were hung by the TV with care...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Or at least one is...

Lucy's Stocking


This is my first attempt at smocking. I was pretty proud of it until I saw a gown one of the lady's at work was making for her grand daughter. Oh well, maybe I'll get better over time. Hopefully this one will be finished in time for Lucy to wear it to a couple of Christmas functions.

Smocking Smocking

Turkey Day

Sunday, November 30, 2008

In order to help make my least favorite holiday a little bit better, I made Lucy a cute Thanksgiving Dress using a simple jumper pattern and some machine embroidery applique. It was so easy to do & came out looking so professional. I tried to use colors that weren't typical brown, orange, green. She wore this pretty much all week considering you only justify wearing a turkey dress one time a year.

Thanksgiving Dress

Thanksgiving Dress

Vintage Simplicity

This is a little dress made using a 1950's Vintage Simplicity Pattern. This is the first time I have ever done pintucks & it made my eyes start to cross. I also did fairly well on the bias tape around the neckline, something I normally fail at miserably.

Simplicity 2900

I was impatient and went ahead and put the elastic in the sleeve, but probably should have waited & gotten the really tiny baby elastic. You can't see it when she is wearing it though, so no bid deal. Next time I make this pattern I will know exactly what to use.

Simplicity 2900

I had a hard time with the blindhem, but finally got it looking sort of decent. I'm not sure why I had such a hard time, I'll have to read more about them.

Simplicity 2900

Faded Christmas Memories

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Here is Lucy's first Christmas dress. It is made from a Vintage Simplicity Slip Pattern. I loved the fabric because it is subtle. It is called "Faded Christmas Memories." I covered the buttons myself using some green broadcloth scraps. I think she is going to wear it to see Santa!

1st Christmas Dress

This is the first time I have used this monogram and I think I like it.

1st Christmas Dress


I ordered lot of Oliver+S patterns from Sew,Mama,Sew! Here is the 2+2 Blouse paired with some pants made from Jackie Clark's Britches & Bloomers pattern all using Moda fabric that I got from little quilting shop only a few blocks from our house.

The quilt shop is connected to a flower shop that advertises that it does funerals and weddings. When I went to check it out I was greeted by a note on the door to go into the plant part and ask Rosie to let me in to the quilt shop.

Rosie was a very entertaining lady who not only knew nothing about quilting, fabric, or sewing, but also had never used a cash register. We put our heads together & I'm pretty sure I paid for the fabric I left with, or maybe I didn't, but we did slide my card & make it print a reciept. I left my phone number just in case we did it all wrong. The old lady that owns the shop was providing flower arrangements for a wedding and had taken the van & left Rosie in charge!

2+2 Blouse: Oliver + S

Comfy Jumper Dress

I finally got Amy Butler's "Little Stitches for Little Ones" and this is my very first project. The "Comfy Jumper Dress."

Comfy Jumper Dress

I loved it so much that I made it again with 2 contrasting colors of fine wale corduroy. I also altered the pattern to make it a little bit shorter. Lucy looks less like a hippie baby in this version.

Comfy Jumper Dress

Burb Cloth

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monogrammed Burp Cloth

I found the perfect cloth diapers to use as burb cloths. They are the Gerber 12-ply and for some reason were really hard to find, but I finally have them & now can use up some of my random scraps of fabric.

The Patternless

Bird DressRibbon Tie Dress

These are two dresses that I made right after Lucy was born & I was still on maternity leave. I couldn't read patterns yet at this point or really finish seams properly, but they were fun to make and looked cute on Lucy! My applique-ing skills have come a long way, especially since I discovered machine embroidery applique from Swak Embroidery.